Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Lessons from the Qur’an (Part 18): Surah Ash-Sharh

Surah Ash-Sharh (chapter 94 of the Qur’an) was revealed in Makkah. Its subject matter closely resembles with the previous Surah, Ad-Dhuha. The main themes of this Surah are:
a) Mention of some important favors of Allah upon Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)
b) Encouragement to remain patient in times of trial
c) Encouragement to build strong relationship with Allah through worship and devotion
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
[In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.]
1) أَلَمْ نَشْرَحْ لَكَ صَدْرَكَ
[Have We not opened your breast for you (O Muhammad)?]
The most important blessing of Allah upon a person is guidance towards Islamic Monotheism. A person cannot guide himself towards the truth unless Allah opens his heart. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):
And whomsoever Allah wills to guide, He opens his breast to Islam; and whomsoever He wills to send astray, He makes his breast closed and constricted.” [Al Qur’an 6:125]
Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was born in a society where people were involved in idol worship and all forms of moral vices. Amidst this social condition Allah opened the heart of His Prophet towards the truth of Islam through Divine revelation. Allah mentions this great blessing upon him in verse 1 of this Surah.
2) وَوَضَعْنَا عَنكَ وِزْرَكَ
[And removed from you your burden.]
3) الَّذِي أَنقَضَ ظَهْرَكَ
[Which weighed down your back?]
In verses 2 and 3 of this Surah Allah indicates to some more favors upon Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) with regard to his noble mission. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):
Verily, We have given you (O Muhammad) a manifest victory.
That Allah may forgive you your sins of the past and the future, and complete His Favour on you, and guide you on a Straight Path,
And that Allah may help you with strong help.” [Al Qur’an 48:1-3]
4) وَرَفَعْنَا لَكَ ذِكْرَكَ
[And have We not raised high your fame?]
Allah raised the fame of Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) from the onset of his Prophethood, even through his opponents. The fame of the Prophet will remain on the earth until the Hour, unless Allah wills otherwise. On the Day of Judgment he will be the leader of mankind and through his intercession Allah will begin the Judgment.
5) فَإِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا
[Verily, along with every hardship is relief,]
6) إِنَّ مَعَ الْعُسْرِ يُسْرًا
[Verily, along with every hardship is relief (i.e. there is one hardship with two reliefs, so one hardship cannot overcome two reliefs).]
As part of His Divine wisdom Allah sometimes tests the believers. The more tests a believer can endure, the higher his status will be in Paradise. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):
Or think you that you will enter Paradise without such (trials) as came to those who passed away before you? They were afflicted with severe poverty and ailments and were so shaken that even the Messenger and those who believed along with him said, “When (will come) the Help of Allah?” Yes! Certainly, the Help of Allah is near!” [Al Qur’an 2:214]
In verses 5 and 6 of this Surah Allah consoles the believers that in the end they will be able to overcome all difficulties with the help of Allah.
7) فَإِذَا فَرَغْتَ فَانصَبْ
[So when you have finished (your occupation), devote yourself to Allah’s worship.]
During daytime Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was busy in teaching the believers about Islam and preaching it to others. In this verse Allah instructs him to devote himself to the worship of Allah at night. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):
O you wrapped in garments (i.e. Prophet Muhammad)!
Stand (to pray) all night, except a little –
Half of it, – or a little less than that,
Or a little more. And recite the Qur’an (aloud) in a slow (pleasant tone and) style.
Verily, We shall send down to you a weighty Word (i.e. obligations, laws).
Verily, the rising by night (for Tahajjud prayer) is very hard and most potent and good for governing oneself, and most suitable for (understanding) the Word (of Allah).
Verily, there is for you by day prolonged occupation with ordinary duties.
And remember the Name of your Lord and devote yourself to Him with a complete devotion.” [Al Qur’an 73:1-8]
8) وَإِلَىٰ رَبِّكَ فَارْغَب
[And to your Lord (Alone) turn (all your) intentions and hopes.]
This verse instructs the believers to direct their longings to Allah alone. This state of mind can be achieved through persistent worship of Allah. The Prophet said:
“Allah says, “Whosoever shows enmity to someone devoted to Me, I shall be at war with him. My servant draws not near to Me with anything more loved by Me than the religious duties I have enjoined upon him, and My servant continues to draw near to Me with supererogatory works so that I shall love him. When I love him I am his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand with which he strikes and his foot with which he walks. Were he to ask (something) of Me, I would surely give it to him, and were he to ask Me for refuge, I would surely grant him it. I do not hesitate about anything as much as I hesitate about (seizing) the soul of My faithful servant: he hates death and I hate hurting him.”” [Narrated by Al-Bukhari]

Lessons from the Qur’an (Part 16): Surah Al-Lail

Surah Al-Lail (chapter 92 of the Qur’an) was revealed in Makkah. Its subject matter closely resembles with the previous Surah, Ash-Shams.
The main themes of this Surah are:
a) Differences between the righteous and the wicked in terms of deeds
b) Recompense of men in the next life based on the deeds of this life
بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَـٰنِ الرَّحِيمِ
[In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.]
1) وَاللَّيْلِ إِذَا يَغْشَىٰ
[By the night as it envelops.]
2) وَالنَّهَارِ إِذَا تَجَلَّىٰ
[By the day as it appears in brightness.]
3) وَمَا خَلَقَ الذَّكَرَ وَالْأُنثَىٰ
[By Him Who created male and female.]
4) إِنَّ سَعْيَكُمْ لَشَتَّىٰ
[Certainly, your efforts and deeds are diverse (different in aims and purposes);]
In verses 1 to 3 of this Surah Allah has given some parables with contrasting characteristics to draw our attention that the efforts and deeds of the righteous and the wicked are different.
5) فَأَمَّا مَنْ أَعْطَىٰ وَاتَّقَىٰ
[As for him who gives and keeps his duty to Allah and fears Him,]
This verse refers to him who spends from his wealth according to the commandments of Allah. Here spending includes:
a) Zakat (obligatory charity)
b) Spending for own needs and for parents, children and wives
c) Giving voluntary charity to the poor
d) In Allah’s Cause (to preach, propagate and establish Islam in society)
He also fears Allah in all his affairs by abstaining from all kinds of sins and evil deeds.
6) وَصَدَّقَ بِالْحُسْنَىٰ
[And believes in Al-Husnâ]
According to Qatadah, Al-Husnâ refers to compensation for the deeds mentioned in verse 5 of this Surah. According to Khusayf, Al-Husnâ refers to the rewards. [Tafsir Ibn Kathir]
7) فَسَنُيَسِّرُهُ لِلْيُسْرَىٰ
[We will make smooth for him the path of ease (goodness).]
Whoever strives towards righteousness, Allah will make his efforts easy for him. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):
Whosoever fears Allah and keeps his duty to Him, He will make his matter easy for him.” [Al Qur’an 65:4]
8) وَأَمَّا مَن بَخِلَ وَاسْتَغْنَىٰ
[But he who is a greedy miser and thinks himself self-sufficient.]
Ibn ‘Abbas said, explaining this verse:
“This means he is stingy with his wealth (i.e. he does not spend according to the commandments of Allah) and considers himself to be in no need of his Lord, the Mighty and Majestic.” [Tafsir Ibn Kathir]
9) وَكَذَّبَ بِالْحُسْنَىٰ
[And denies Al-Husnâ(compensation or rewards)]
10) فَسَنُيَسِّرُهُ لِلْعُسْرَىٰ
[We will make smooth for him the path for evil.]
Whoever rejects the guidance of Allah and strives towards evil, Allah leaves him to wander blindly on his wicked way. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):
And We (Allah) shall turn their hearts and their eyes away (from guidance), as they refused to believe therein for the first time, and We shall leave them in their trespass to wander blindly.” [Al Qur’an 6:110]
If someone rejects the true guidance, it will be a reason for his own loss. Allah says (interpretation of the meaning):
Verily, We have sent down to you (O Muhammad) the Book (this Qur’an) for mankind in truth. So, whosoever accepts the guidance, it is only for his own self; and whosoever goes astray, he goes astray only to his (own) loss. And you (O Muhammad) are not a Wakîl (trustee or disposer of affairs, or guardian) over them.” [Al Qur’an 39:41]
11) وَمَا يُغْنِي عَنْهُ مَالُهُ إِذَا تَرَدَّىٰ
[And what will his wealth avail him when he goes down (in destruction)?]
12) إِنَّ عَلَيْنَا لَلْهُدَىٰ
[Truly, on Us is (to give) guidance.]
13) وَإِنَّ لَنَا لَلْآخِرَةَ وَالْأُولَىٰ
[And truly, to Us (belong) the last (Hereafter) and the first (this world).]
14) فَأَنذَرْتُكُمْ نَارًا تَلَظَّىٰ
[Therefore, I have warned you of a blazing Fire (Hell).]
Concerning the severity of Hellfire, Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:
“Verily, the lightest punishment received by the people of the Hellfire will be a man who will have two sandals whose straps will be made of fire that will cause his brain to boil just as a cauldron (i.e. a very large pot) boils. Yet he will not think that anyone is receiving a torment more severe than him, even though he will be receiving the lightest punishment of them.” [Narrated by Muslim]
15) لَا يَصْلَاهَا إِلَّا الْأَشْقَى
[None shall enter it except the most wretched.]
16) الَّذِي كَذَّبَ وَتَوَلَّىٰ
[Who denies and turns away.]
Once the Prophet said, “All of my followers will enter Paradise on the Day of Judgment except for whoever refuses.” He was asked, “Who would refuse, O Messenger of Allah?” He replied, “Whoever obeys me, he will enter Paradise, and whoever disobeys me, then he has refused.” [Narrated by Al-Bukhari]
17) وَسَيُجَنَّبُهَا الْأَتْقَى
[And Al-Muttaqûn (the pious) will be far removed from it (Hell).]
18) الَّذِي يُؤْتِي مَالَهُ يَتَزَكَّىٰ
[He who spends his wealth for increase in self-purification,]
19) وَمَا لِأَحَدٍ عِندَهُ مِن نِّعْمَةٍ تُجْزَىٰ
[And who has (in mind) no favour from anyone to be paid back,]
20) إِلَّا ابْتِغَاءَ وَجْهِ رَبِّهِ الْأَعْلَىٰ
[Except to seek the Countenance of his Lord, the Most High.]
Verses 18 to 20 of this Surah refer to him who spends his wealth according to the commandments of Allah and hopes to attain the blessings solely from Allah.
21) وَلَسَوْفَ يَرْضَىٰ
[He, surely, will be pleased (when he will enter Paradise).]